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The following videos explain different sections of the application

Training Page
This video will show how to use the training section (manual mode). You can use this mode to increase your reading speed by reading for one minute at your normal reading speed, then change the settings to increase your reading speed to twice the speed, and read again for one minute without thinking about comprehension, this will tech your brain to use this reading mode until you will get use to.
Courses Page
This video will show you the courses page, this page is an automatic mode, you can consider it as a speed reading coach, it has already some presets, and you can not change in this mode the specific settings for each technique.
Settings Page
This video will show you how to use the global settings page and some technique settings page, to change the foreground color, background color and text size. These global settings are available around all the speed reading techniques. While a specific settings for some technique is only available for that technique.
Library Page
This video will show how to use the library page, which is necessary in order to use a reading technique. You need to choose a document and open it, then return back to the technique and use that document.
Bookmarks Page
This video will show you how to save bookmark for the opened document, and how to return to the saved bookmark and use it.